
對於這件事的感想,我之前就已經在 [M團百感] 的文章中提過了,所以就不再贅述…
只想告訴 Henry,你很棒很勇敢,加油,一切都會好轉的,難過的時候,想想臺灣的 fans,我們都很愛你。我們都會愛你很久很久。
※ 翻譯 by keiaku
大家,我真的無法理解。人們不是應該要關懷、保護自己人嗎?我們說的是相同的語言、吃的是相同的飲食,也有相同的風俗習慣;然而,我們在自己的國家表演卻是不受歡迎的。我們只是欲將心中的思想憑藉演出與音樂的方式傳遞給別人知道、表達我們自己,但是當舞台下有如此多嫌惡時,我們又該如何展現?為何我們除了在祖國之外,可以在任何其他國家毫無滯礙地表演?難道你們不覺得這種情形很可笑嗎?我為了追求夢想獨自待在亞洲,離開了在加拿大的朋友、家人與所有一切。結果,自從我 2006 年在韓國初次登臺以來,就一直持續被粉絲嫌惡著。你們到底還想要我怎樣?我自己或我們兩人每次登上舞台之前,都知道底下的人將會強烈要求我們下台,對於我們的心情妳們又作何感想?長久以來我曾經試圖笑笑就算了,但是我現在再也無法堅持下去。只是想讓你們知道…我們也是有感覺的。未來還是會持續盡我最大努力帶給你們最棒的舞台,但是今天只是想讓你們知道,我內心世界的一些感受。我幾乎就要喘不過氣來了。
Dear all, I really don't understand. Aren't people supposed to care and to protect what is their own? We speak the same language, eat the same food, have the same customs and yet we are not welcome in our own country to perform. All we want to do is to express ourselves through performing and music but how can we do this when there is so much hate? Don't you find it funny how we can perform in every other country without any problems except for our own home country? I left my friends, family, and everything else back in Canada to pursue a dream all alone here in Asia. As a result, I have been hated ever since I first debuted in Korea in 2006 from fans. What more do you want from me? How do you think I or we both feel every time we go up on stage knowing people will be screaming for us to get off? I've tried to laugh it off for far too long now and can't hold it in anymore. Just to let you know... we have feelings too. I will continue to work my hardest to bring the best performances for you all but today I'd just like to let you know a little about how I feel in the inside. I'm almost all out of breathe.
qinxian men...
mitang men...
xiexie nimen
Thank you so much
I hope you all understand what I'm feeling.
出處:百度 henry 吧


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